Saturday 6 November 2010

The Game by the Surface Design Association

I went to see an intriguing mixed media show in Port Coquitlam. It was presented by the BC & Yukon Members of the Surface Design association (SKA) and Friends. 54 artists participated.
The title came from an early parlour game called 'Consequences' which used the written word. One person wrote a word on paper, folded it so that the next person could not see what was written, they added a word and folded it for the next person to write their word. It was then read. Example: Le cadaver/exquis/boira/le vin/nouveau. The exquisite corpse shall drink the young wine. The Surrealist artist movement made the game popular. They captured spontaneous, irrational words and images that flow through the human brain.
I gather that the process for producing the art work was for each artist to make a three part art piece depicting the human/non human form. The parts were then mismatched to produce the final art piece. These pieces were given an enigmatic title and the forms were certainly quite thought provoking !
The show was fun. I think the person(s) who put the parts back together must have had the most fun! I hope it is a travelling show and that it will be presented in other communities ... well worth seeing.

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