Sunday 31 October 2010

African Grannies

'Turning the Tide ... One Ripple at a Time' is a quilt show developed by the North Island Quilters for Community Awareness, project leader - Maria Box.
Maria made: Learning a New Balance - about a grandmother who is now the proud owner of a bicycle that will make her life easier as she takes vegetables to market and children to school.
The show depicts African grandmothers who have experienced the tragedy of burying their children and then raising their grandchildren - with little or no money. Sub-Saharan Africa has 14 million children who have been orphaned by AIDS.
Pat Czuczor: Remembering the Stories about teaching children about the culture they live in.
All quilts will be auctioned in Victoria in March 2011, with funds going to the Stephen Lewis Foundation.
Go to for a gallery show on all of the quilts and exhibit listings of the show.
Marina Quilty-Peters, Mother at Sunset A mother leaves a health center, content in the knowledge that although she has AIDS, her child doesn't.
This fall, the show will be in: Calgary, Saltspring, Nanaimo, and New Westminster. There are more shows in the new year ... see the website.

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