Monday 24 October 2011

Chihuly Glass Art

One of the greatest artists who works in Glass is Dale Chihuly. He was born in Tacoma and has not forgotten his roots. Tacoma boasts a glass museum and the public schools have an introduction to glass art. The Glass museum had a show of children's art that had been transformed into glass art by artists. The children watched the process and explained their drawings and how they would like their creatures to look.
Take a walk across the Glass Bridge
At the far end, columns rise like gigantic ice pieces.
Look up and you will see a multitude of glass art pieces that glow in the sunlight.

Along one wall, glass art is back lit. Chihuli and his apprentices worked on these beautiful pieces.

Let's walk across that same bridge at night. The ice glows.

The wall is lit from above ... note that this is only part of the wall!

Remember to look up again ... more brilliant colours shine from above.

On the other side of the bridge ... the Glass Museum is lit from within. The design mimics a kiln for  glass making.
In front, the glass pieces in the fountain have turned to gold.

Chihuly's website:
A current installation:
Glass series:

1 comment: said...

wow! Some of that glass looks like fabric! Very pretty.
sewing in Saskatoon