Sunday 26 September 2010

Studio Tour

My husband and I took Saturday afternoon off and visited a friend's 'open studio'.
Judy Villett's studio was part of 'Common Threads' studios tour that included Michelle Sirois Silver and Julie Pongrac ... unfortunately, we didn't get to the other two.
Judy Villett's renovated studio showed off her work beautifully! Judy has a history of teaching in Edmonton and is opening her studio for teaching in Vancouver, BC. She has experience from traditional to abstract and her knowledge of colour and design are extensive. Arrange a private lesson, come with a friend or join a scheduled class.
In 2009, Judy organized a Cherry Festival Quilt Show and is planning one for 2011.
The piece below uses discharge fabric made by another friend Pat Crucil.
If you have an interest in quilting and would like to learn, or you would simply like to increase your understanding of colour value or design work ... call Judy! She is patient and encouraging. website:
Judy also judges quilt shows for guilds ... a good experience for members ... they will get suggestions & comments that will help them to grow in confidence.

Judy shared her studio with a friend, Janet Armstrong. Janet is known for her knitting retreats (for beginners to experts). Janet's current fibre art work is based on sunsets in a dark sky, often with tree silhouettes.
Website: Janet makes exquisite little fibre art pieces that are well priced as a gift for you or a friend! She had made some beautiful liturgical stoles for ministers. Check - blog:

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