Saturday 2 March 2013

World War II quilts for Britian

During wartime, thousands of quilts were made in Canada and sent to Britain  A collection has been put together for a show:
(it is a long link, you may have to copy and paste into your browser)
Many quilts sent with a lot of love!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my parents received three of these wonderful quilts in 1948 when they were in desparate straits and they were very very grateful. It wasn't until just before her death I found one of them in my mothers linen cupboard. I got a very loud squawk of 'don't you dare throw that out,you were wrapped up in it when you were a baby'.I had never knowingly seen it before. So if it is not too late after 62years may I add my heartfelt thanks to all of the wonderful Canadian women who sewed so hard to make the world a better and warmer place for so many people and yes I still have the quilt. It was of my most treasured possessions. Thank You