Monday 18 June 2007

Round Robin Fabric Books

I'm working with an internet group on a project that operates as a 'Round Robin'. 6 members make a page for each of the other participants. The pages will be put together in a fabric book.

King Kat pages are for Angela in the U.K. - her topic is 'cats'. This is the story of my dad's cat when he moved from an apartment to the country. He has had a steep learning curve. Scampy has learned to climb trees and hunt. His favorite job is 'studio snooperviser'

Click on the photo to read.

The second set of pages is for Judith. Her theme is 'magic'.
Violet Mossthistle, she invites you to visit & create your own fairy.

The second page is the story of the 'Magic Needle' ... In a mountain kingdom, in a distant land, when the sun reaches over the mountain peak - a silver needle pulling golden thread appears. It glows with colour and casts a spell ... shining dust drifts down the valleys with the breeze. A baby touched by a sunbeam with golden dust shall spend her life sewing beautiful fabrics into wonderful quilts.

1 comment:

Doris said...

dear vivian,
you really make beautiful things and I love to visit your blog !!
greetings from Germany